wsgiservice – Reference


Every resource to be served with WsgiService should inherit from the wsgiservice.resource.Resource class.

Resource class

class wsgiservice.resource.Resource(request, response, path_params, application=None)

Base class for all WsgiService resources. A resource is a unique REST endpoint which accepts different methods for different actions.

For each HTTP call the corresponding method (equal to the HTTP method) will be called.


Default implementation of the OPTIONS verb. Outputs a list of allowed methods on this resource in the Allow response header.


If the resource has an ETag (see get_etag()) the request headers If-Match and If-None-Match are verified. May abort the request with 304 or 412 response codes.

  • webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 304 if the ETag matches the If-None-Match request header (GET/HEAD requests only).
  • webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 412 if the ETag matches the If-None-Match request header (for requests other than GET/HEAD) or the ETag does not match the If-Match header.

If the resource has a last modified date (see get_last_modified()) the request headers If-Modified-Since and If-Unmodified-Since are verified. May abort the request with 304 or 412 response codes.

  • webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 304 if the If-Modified-Since is later than the last modified date.
  • webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 412 if the last modified date is later than the If-Unmodified-Since header.

If the Content-MD5 request header is present in the request it’s verified against the MD5 hash of the request body. If they don’t match, a 400 HTTP response is returned.

Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 400 if the MD5 hash does not match the body.

Handles various HTTP conditions and raises HTTP exceptions to abort the request.


Return a 501 exception when any Content-* headers have been set in the request. (See RFC 2616, section 9.6)


Call an instance method filling in all the method parameters based on their names. The parameters are filled in from the following locations (in that order of precedence):

  1. Path parameters from routing
  2. GET parameters
  3. POST parameters

All values are validated using the method validate_param(). The return value of the method is returned unaltered.

Parameters:method_name (str) – Name of the method on the current instance to call.

Cleans the ETag as returned by get_etag(). Will wrap it in quotes and append the extension for the current MIME type.

convert_param(method, param, value)

Converts the parameter using the function ‘convert’ function of the validation rules. Same parameters as the validate_param method, so it might have just been added there. But lumping together the two functionalities would make overwriting harder.

  • method (Python function) – A function to get the validation information from (done using _get_validation()).
  • param (str) – Name of the parameter to validate the value for.
  • value (Any valid Python value) – Value passed in for the given parameter.

wsgiservice.exceptions.ValidationException if the value is invalid for the given method and parameter.


Finish filling the instance’s response object so it’s ready to be served to the client. This includes converting the body_raw property to the content type requested by the user if necessary.


Returns the request data as a dictionary.

Merges the path parameters, GET parameters and POST parameters (form-encoded or JSON dictionary). If a key is present in multiple of these, the first one defined is used.


Returns a coma-separated list of method names that are allowed on this instance. Useful to set the Allowed response header.


Returns the Content Type to serve from either the extension or the Accept headers. Uses the EXTENSION_MAP list for all the configured MIME types.


Returns a string to be used as the ETag for this resource. Used to set the ETag response headers and for conditional requests using the If-Match and If-None-Match request headers.


Return a datetime.datetime object of the when the resource was last modified. Used to set the Last-Modified response header and for conditional requests using the If-Modified-Since and If-Unmodified-Since request headers.

Return type:datetime.datetime

Returns the method to call on this instance as a string. Raises a HTTP exception if no method can be found. Aborts with a 405 status code for known methods (based on the KNOWN_METHODS list) and a 501 status code for all other methods.

Parameters:method (str) – Name of the method to return. Must be all-uppercase.
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 405 or 501 if the method is not implemented on this resource.

Read the input values.

Returns a list of dictionaries. These will be used to automatically pass them into the method.

Additionally a combined dictionary is written to

In the case of JSON input, that element in this list will be the parsed JSON value. That may not be a dictionary.

get_resource(resource, **kwargs)

Returns a new instance of the resource class passed in as resource. This is a helper to make future-compatibility easier when new arguments get added to the constructor.

  • resource (Resource) – Resource class to instantiate. Gets called with the named arguments as required for the constructor.
  • kwargs (dict) – Additional named arguments to pass to the constructor function.
handle_exception(e, status=500)

Handle the given exception. Log, sets the response code and output the exception message as an error message.

  • e (Exception) – Exception which is being handled.
  • status (int) – Status code to set.

Handle the given exception. Log, sets the response code to 404 and output the exception message as an error message.

Parameters:e (Exception) – Exception which is being handled.

Ignore robots.txt and favicon.ico GET requests based on a list of absolute paths in IGNORED_PATHS. Aborts the request with a 404 status code.

This is mostly a usability issue to avoid extra log entries for resources we are not interested in.

Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 404 if the resource is ignored.

Set the Content-MD5 response header. Calculated from the the response body by creating the MD5 hash from it.


Set the Content-Type in the response. Uses the type instance attribute which was set by get_content_type(). Also declares a UTF-8 charset.


Sets all the calculated response headers.


Returns the JSON version of the given raw Python object.

Parameters:raw (Any valid Python value) – The return value of the resource method.
Return type:string

Returns the XML string version of the given raw Python object. Uses _get_xml_value() which applies some heuristics for converting data to XML.

The default root tag is ‘response’, but that can be overwritten by changing the XML_ROOT_TAG instance variable.

Uses wsgiservice.xmlserializer.dumps() for the actual work.

Parameters:raw (Any valid Python value) – The return value of the resource method.
Return type:string
validate_param(method, param, value)

Validates the parameter according to the configurations in the _validations dictionary of either the method or the instance. This dictionaries are written by the decorator wsgiservice.decorators.validate().


Allow validation by type (e.g. header, post, query, etc.)

  • method (Python function) – A function to get the validation information from (done using _get_validation()).
  • param (str) – Name of the parameter to validate the value for.
  • value (Any valid Python value) – Value passed in for the given parameter.

wsgiservice.exceptions.ValidationException if the value is invalid for the given method and parameter.

Help class

class wsgiservice.resource.Help(request, response, path_params, application=None)

Bases: wsgiservice.resource.Resource

Provides documentation for all resources of the current application.


Allow documentation of output.


Use first sentence of docstring for summary, add bigger version at the bottom.


Returns documentation for the application.


Returns the HTML string version of the given raw Python object. Hard-coded to return a nicely-presented service information document.

Parameters:raw (Any valid Python object) – The return value of the resource method.
Return type:string


Treat paragraphs and/or newlines better in output.

to_text_html_methods(retval, resource)

Add the methods of this resource to the HTML output.

  • retval (list) – The list of strings which is used to collect the HTML response.
  • resource (Dictionary) – The documentation of one resource.
to_text_html_overview(retval, raw)

Add the overview table to the HTML output.

  • retval (list) – The list of strings which is used to collect the HTML response.
  • raw (Dictionary) – The original return value of this resources GET() method.
to_text_html_resources(retval, raw)

Add the resources details to the HTML output.

  • retval (list) – The list of strings which is used to collect the HTML response.
  • raw (Dictionary) – The original return value of this resources GET() method.


wsgiservice.decorators.expires(duration, vary=None, currtime=<built-in function time>)

Decorator. Apply on a wsgiservice.Resource method to set the max-age cache control parameter to the given duration. Also calculates the correct Expires response header.

  • duration (datetime.timedelta) – Age which this resource may have before becoming stale.
  • vary (list of strings) – List of headers that should be added to the Vary response header.
  • currtime (Function returning a time.struct_time) – Function used to find out the current UTC time. This is used for testing and not required in production code.

Decorator. Apply on a wsgiservice.Resource to mount it at the given path. The same can be achieved by setting the _path attribute on the class directly.

Parameters:path – A path to mount this resource on. See wsgiservice.routing.Router for a description of how this path has to be formatted.
wsgiservice.decorators.validate(name, re=None, convert=None, doc=None)

Decorator. Apply on a wsgiservice.Resource or any of it’s methods to validates a parameter on input. When a parameter does not validate, a wsgiservice.exceptions.ValidationException exception will be thrown.

  • name (string) – Name of the input parameter to validate.
  • re (regular expression) – Regular expression to search for in the input parameter. If this is not set, just validates if the parameter has been set.
  • convert (callable) – Callable to convert the validated parameter value to the final data type. Ideal candidates for this are the built-ins int or float functions. If the function raises a ValueError, this is reported to the client as a 400 error.
  • doc (string) – Parameter description for the API documentation.


Helper methods to raise responses for the various HTTP status codes.

The motivation for these methods is to be able to easily document the HTTP response headers which are highly recommended or required. For example the Location header which should be set for 201 responses.

The following status codes don’t have a method here:


Abort the current request with a 200 (OK) response code.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 200
wsgiservice.status.raise_201(instance, location)

Abort the current request with a 201 (Created) response code. Sets the Location header correctly. If the location does not start with a slash, the path of the current request is prepended.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 201

Abort the current request with a 202 (Accepted) response code.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 202

Abort the current request with a 204 (No Content) response code. Clears out the body of the response.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 204

Abort the current request with a 205 (Reset Content) response code. Clears out the body of the response.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 205

Abort the current request with a 300 (Multiple Choices) response code.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 300
wsgiservice.status.raise_301(instance, location)

Abort the current request with a 301 (Moved Permanently) response code. Sets the Location header correctly. If the location does not start with a slash, the path of the current request is prepended.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 301
wsgiservice.status.raise_302(instance, location)

Abort the current request with a 302 (Found) response code. Sets the Location header correctly. If the location does not start with a slash, the path of the current request is prepended.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 302
wsgiservice.status.raise_303(instance, location)

Abort the current request with a 303 (See Other) response code. Sets the Location header correctly. If the location does not start with a slash, the path of the current request is prepended.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 303

Abort the current request with a 304 (Not Modified) response code. Clears out the body of the response.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 304
wsgiservice.status.raise_305(instance, location)

Abort the current request with a 305 (Use Proxy) response code. Sets the Location header correctly. If the location does not start with a slash, the path of the current request is prepended.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 305
wsgiservice.status.raise_307(instance, location)

Abort the current request with a 307 (Temporary Redirect) response code. Sets the Location header correctly. If the location does not start with a slash, the path of the current request is prepended.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 307
wsgiservice.status.raise_400(instance, msg=None)

Abort the current request with a 400 (Bad Request) response code. If the message is given it’s output as an error message in the response body (correctly converted to the requested MIME type).

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 400
wsgiservice.status.raise_401(instance, authenticate, msg=None)

Abort the current request with a 401 (Unauthorized) response code. If the message is given it’s output as an error message in the response body (correctly converted to the requested MIME type). Outputs the WWW-Authenticate header as given by the authenticate parameter.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 401
wsgiservice.status.raise_402(instance, msg=None)

Abort the current request with a 402 (Payment Required) response code. If the message is given it’s output as an error message in the response body (correctly converted to the requested MIME type).

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 402
wsgiservice.status.raise_403(instance, msg=None)

Abort the current request with a 403 (Forbidden) response code. If the message is given it’s output as an error message in the response body (correctly converted to the requested MIME type).

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 403

Abort the current request with a 404 (Not Found) response code.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 404

Abort the current request with a 405 (Method Not Allowed) response code. Sets the Allow response header to the return value of the Resource.get_allowed_methods() function.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 405

Abort the current request with a 406 (Not Acceptable) response code.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 406

Abort the current request with a 409 (Conflict) response code.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 409

Abort the current request with a 410 (Gone) response code.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 410
wsgiservice.status.raise_412(instance, msg=None)

Abort the current request with a 412 (Precondition Failed) response code. If the message is given it’s output as an error message in the response body (correctly converted to the requested MIME type).

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 412
wsgiservice.status.raise_415(instance, msg=None)

Abort the current request with a 415 (Unsupported Media Type) response code. If the message is given it’s output as an error message in the response body (correctly converted to the requested MIME type).

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 415
wsgiservice.status.raise_500(instance, msg=None)

Abort the current request with a 500 (Internal Server Error) response code. If the message is given it’s output as an error message in the response body (correctly converted to the requested MIME type).

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 500

Abort the current request with a 501 (Not Implemented) response code. Sets the Allow response header to the return value of the Resource.get_allowed_methods() function.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 501

Abort the current request with a 503 (Service Unavailable) response code.

Parameters:instance (webob.resource.Resource) – Resource instance (used to access the response)
Raises:webob.exceptions.ResponseException of status 503


Components responsible for building the WSGI application.

class wsgiservice.application.Application(resources)

WSGI application wrapping a set of WsgiService resources. This class can be used as a WSGI application according to PEP 333.

Parameters:resources – A list of wsgiservice.Resource classes to be served by this application.


Easy deployment using good configuration file handling


alias of wsgiservice.resource.NotFoundResource

wsgiservice.application.get_app(defs, add_help=True)

Small wrapper function to returns an instance of Application which serves the objects in the defs. Usually this is called with return value globals() from the module where the resources are defined. The returned WSGI application will serve all subclasses of wsgiservice.Resource found in the dictionary.

  • defs (dict) – Each wsgiservice.Resource object found in the values of this dictionary is used as application resource. The other values are discarded.
  • add_help (boolean) – Whether to add the Help resource which will expose the documentation of this service at /_internal/help
Return type:



Declares different exceptions as used throughout WsgiService.

exception wsgiservice.exceptions.ResponseException(response)

Wraps a webob.Response object to be thrown as an exception.

exception wsgiservice.exceptions.ValidationException(*args, **kwargs)

Exception thrown when a validation fails. See wsgiservice.decorators.validate() for it’s use.


Implements a simple routing class.

class wsgiservice.routing.Router(resources)

Simple routing. Path parameters can be extracted with the syntax {keyword} where keyword is the path parameter. That parameter will then be passed on to the called request method.

Parameters:resources – A list of wsgiservice.Resource classes to be routed to.